Division of Research

Research Integrity

Research Integrity is a group of teams — including Animal Research Compliance, Export Controls, the Human Research Protection Program, Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement, Conflict of Interest and Regulatory Compliance — that partner with the research community to facilitate ethical research guided by governing policies and regulations.

Key Areas of Expertise

The Research Integrity teams support Brown researchers in conducting ethical and transparent research in the following ways:

  • Provide administrative support and regulatory advisement to Brown’s advisory boards
  • Assist researchers with adhering to international research collaboration requirements
  • Provide training in the ethical and responsible conduct of research
  • Handle allegations of research misconduct
  • Provide education to Brown researchers and staff regarding best practices to ensure regulatory compliance and required institutional approvals
  • Monitor and, when necessary, investigate potential research-related non-compliance

Contact Research Integrity

Contact the Research Integrity teams via email or refer to individual staff members for specific inquiries.

Meet the Research Integrity Team

Research Integrity and Research Misconduct

Conflict of Interest

Export Controls and Research Security

Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)

Responsible Conduct of Research

Research Data Management

Regulatory Advising

All Animal Research Compliance, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, and Animal Research Program inquiries should be directed to iacuc@brown.edu.

Report Research Integrity and Compliance Concerns

There are several ways to report concerns about research integrity and compliance.

  • Make an anonymous report via the Brown University Anonymous Reporting Hotline.
  • Speak confidentially to the senior director of Research Integrity.
  • Contact the Vice President for Research, who serves as institutional official for a number of compliance programs.
  • Contact Brown's Ombudsperson to discuss concerns and determine if you would like to proceed with a formal complaint or report.
Brown uses EthicsPoint, a third-party service provider, to provide you with a way to report activities that may involve unethical or otherwise inappropriate activity or behavior in violation of Brown University's established policies.
The Vice President for Research at Brown University oversees all Division of Research offices and teams on their mission to strategically collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to accelerate the global impact of Brown University’s research and scholarship.
University Ombuds partners with you as you face any kind of conflict or concern that arises from or affects your work, life, or study at Brown.