These funding opportunities include Research Seed Awards, the Richard B. Salomon Faculty Research Awards, Humanities Research Fund, Core Research Facility Infrastructure Program and Research Achievement Awards.
Division of Research
Research Funding Within Brown
Funds Awarded by the Division
Brown University’s Research Seed Awards help faculty develop more competitive research proposals by supporting the generation of preliminary data, pursuing new directions or collaborations in research, and other endeavors.
The Richard B. Salomon Faculty Research Awards are competitively awarded and support excellence in scholarly work by providing funding for selected faculty research projects deemed to be of exceptional merit.
Humanities Research Funds help support faculty research in departments and fields in the arts, humanities and social sciences with limited external funding opportunities.
Brown's Core Research Facility (CRF) Fund supports the development of specialized core research facilities and the maintenance of their equipment.
Other Sources of Research Funding at Brown
In addition to the institutional-level internal funding stream managed by the Division of Research, several academic departments also offer internal research funding.