Division of Research

The Five/Three Day Rule

Brown requires researchers to submit complete proposals at least five business days in advance of the sponsor’s due date.

Principal Investigators (PIs) must submit their research proposal in near-to-final format for review in Huron at least five business days before the sponsor’s due date. This includes new proposals as well as continuations, renewals, revisions and resubmissions.

The submitted proposal must include all required elements specified in the sponsor’s application guidelines. Scientific/technical sections submitted in near-to-final format should be labeled “DRAFT” in the document title. If a submitted proposal does not meet these criteria, the principal investigator (PI) will be directed to the appropriate official to request a waiver of the Five/Three Day Rule — Brown’s policy for when proposals need to be submitted to Sponsored Projects or BioMed Research Administration (BMRA) for review.

A final review is completed after all necessary changes are made and the proposal is approved by all parties. The appropriate authorized organizational representative from Sponsored Projects or BMRA submits the final proposal directly to the sponsor through Huron.

Days One to Three

Between Days One and Three, PIs and the reviewing office (either Sponsored Projects or BMRA) review all proposal documents against both Brown University and sponsor guidelines. The reviewer ensures the specified documents are included in the correct order and format and address all questions as outlined by the request for proposal. Additionally, they ensure the content of these documents do not violate any policies or procedures for Brown University. The reviewer will provide a correction memo with suggested changes to the department administrator by the end of Day Three. 

During Days One through Three, PIs may devote extra time to “polishing” and a final read‐through of the scientific/technical sections of the application. The final science documents should differ only slightly (e.g., minor editing, figure captions, update to data tables, typo corrections) from the version originally submitted for review in Huron. All other documents should be in their final state when submitted on Day One.

Changes Discouraged within Review Period

Edits to scientific/technical components made after a proposal is submitted for review may not affect any of the following elements:

  • Budget, including direct and indirect costs or implied or stated cost‐sharing
  • Involvement of non‐Brown employees, subcontractors, consultants and collaborators, foreign nationals or federal employees or export control concerns
  • Intellectual property (patents, copyrights, licenses), proprietary, privileged or potentially patentable information or conflicts of interest
  • Involvement of human research participants, laboratory animal subjects and the environment, proposed clinical trials or the use of human embryonic stem cells
  • The use of recombinant DNA, potentially infectious agents, hazardous waste, select agents, radiation producing or radioactive materials or biohazards
  • Use of University facilities and equipment, additional space, alterations/construction, specialized equipment or fabrication of equipment

In the event that an award is made and University obligations appear that were not present in the draft proposal, such obligations will be the sole responsibility of the PI and academic department.

Common Examples of Scientific/Technical Components

  • Project Summary
  • Research Plan (Specific Aims and Research Strategy sections)
  • References Cited
  • Cover Letter (for resubmission applications)
  • Project Summary
  • Project Description
  • Bibliography

Scope of Work Statement

  • Proposal Summary (abstract)
  • Scientific/Technical/Management Plan 
  • References and Citations
  • Project Description
  • Bibliography
  • Technical Approach and Justification
  • Project Schedule and Milestones

Days Four and Five

PIs have until Day Three of the five-day period prior to the sponsor’s due date to replace a draft version of scientific/technical documents with the corresponding final version in the Huron proposal record.

PIs who take advantage of the option to update their proposal according to the Five/Three Day Rule must accept the risk that a change to the technical section of the proposal may cause a submission failure. Sponsored Projects and BMRA staff will not retrieve the proposal and correct resulting submission errors caused by PI updates to proposals.

The authorized organizational representative in Sponsored Projects or BMRA will submit the final version of a proposal in advance of a sponsor’s due date whenever possible to ensure it is successfully received. In fairness to all PIs, on-time and complete proposals receive a thorough review and priority for submission.

Mondays and University Holidays

While University policy states that final proposals are due five business days before the sponsor’s due date, two exceptions are made to help facilitate proposal preparation.

For deadlines that fall on a Monday, complete proposals may be submitted until 9 a.m. on the Monday prior to the due date to meet the five-day rule. This gives the PI an additional weekend to work through the technical portions of the application. If the Monday is a University holiday, proposals are due to either Sponsored Projects or BMRA by noon on the Tuesday prior to the sponsor’s due date.

University Holiday Schedule

Extenuating Circumstances

In rare and extenuating circumstances, when the University’s Five/Three Day Rule cannot be met, a waiver may be requested. Approval is subject to review by the University and by the PI’s department, center, institute or other research administrator. Resources must be available locally to support proposal development. 

In such cases, an email waiver request from the PI is sent to the senior associate dean of the faculty for Dean of Faculty units or to the reviewing office, either Sponsored Projects or BMRA. A brief explanation as to the cause of the delay should be included. These requests are tracked by PI name, department and sponsor to monitor trends and offer support where needed.

Late Sponsor Notices or Invitations

There are times when a PI is informed of a potential funding opportunity within five days of the due date. An agency’s program officer may reach out directly to the PI with late notice of available funds or a collaborator may send a late invitation to participate in the project. In these cases, a waiver from the Five/Three Day Rule is not required. Instead, the process is as follows:

  1. Upload a copy of the program officer’s or collaborators’ instructions to the proposal development record, as this documentation will demonstrate a late request from the sponsor. 
  2. Alert your departmental research administrator and pre-award contact in Sponsored Projects or BMRA.

Expedited proposals are given a less thorough review than proposals that adhere to the University’s Five/Three Day Rule. The thoroughness of this expedited review is dictated by several factors, including but not limited to University proposal volume and the amount of time between routing and the sponsor’s due date.

Exceptions to the Five/Three Day Rule

Certain proposal types may not fall under the University’s Five/Three Day Rule. Consult the Proposal Submission Flowchart and consider the type of proposal to determine whether it requires Sponsored Projects or BMRA review.

Proposal Submission Flowchart

Review Requirements by Proposal Type

  • Purpose: To present preliminary ideas or data to determine a sponsor’s interest in funding a project or program
  • Length: Short narrative (one to five pages)
  • Budget: None
  • Sponsored Projects/BMRA Review: None
  • Submission: PI or designee submits directly to sponsor
  • Five/Three Day Rule: Does not apply
  • Purpose: To inform sponsor of planned full proposal
  • Length: Short narrative (one to five pages)
  • Budget: Includes a total cost estimate but not a detailed budget
  • Sponsored Projects/BMRA Review: Optional, depending on sponsor instructions
  • Submission: PI or designee submits directly to sponsor
  • Five/Three Day Rule: Does not apply
  • Purpose: To inform and interest potential federal or non-federal sponsors in the project, resulting in a request for a full proposal
  • Length: Short narrative with minimal other components (e.g., Biosketch, Collaborators and Other Affiliations list)
  • Budget: Includes a total cost estimate but not a detailed budget
  • Sponsored Projects/BMRA Review: Optional, depending on sponsor instructions
  • Submission: PI or designee submits directly to sponsor
  • Five/Three Day Rule: Does not apply
  • Purpose: To inform and interest potential federal (e.g., National Science Foundation) or non-federal sponsors in the project, resulting in a request for a full proposal
  • Length: Short narrative with minimal other components (e.g., Biosketch, Collaborators and Other Affiliations list)
  • Budget: Detailed budget may be required
  • Sponsored Projects/BMRA Review: Approval may be required; Coeus record required
  • Submission (federal): Sponsored Projects/BMRA submits via Research.gov
  • Submission (non-federal): PI or designee or Sponsored Projects/BMRA may submit
  • Five/Three Day Rule: Due to Sponsored Projects/BMRA three days before sponsor’s deadline
  • Purpose: To describe the research, its importance and how it will be conducted to apply for external funding
  • Length: Full narrative with a statement of work, detailed budget and justification, current/pending support, Biosketch and/or CV, facilities and environmental information, bibliography/references, etc.
  • Budget: Detailed line item or modular budget is required
  • Sponsored Projects/BMRA Review: Approval is required; Coeus record required
  • Submission: Sponsored Projects/BMRA submits
  • Five/Three Day Rule: Applies; due to Sponsored Projects/BMRA five days before sponsor’s deadline