Principal Investigators (PIs) must submit their research proposal in near-to-final format for review in Huron at least five business days before the sponsor’s due date. This includes new proposals as well as continuations, renewals, revisions and resubmissions.
The submitted proposal must include all required elements specified in the sponsor’s application guidelines. Scientific/technical sections submitted in near-to-final format should be labeled “DRAFT” in the document title. If a submitted proposal does not meet these criteria, the principal investigator (PI) will be directed to the appropriate official to request a waiver of the Five/Three Day Rule — Brown’s policy for when proposals need to be submitted to Sponsored Projects or BioMed Research Administration (BMRA) for review.
A final review is completed after all necessary changes are made and the proposal is approved by all parties. The appropriate authorized organizational representative from Sponsored Projects or BMRA submits the final proposal directly to the sponsor through Huron.