Division of Research

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Brown is an independent committee of scientists, nonscientists and members unaffiliated with Brown and appointed by the Vice President for Research. The IRB was established to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects recruited to participate in biomedical or social/behavioral research conducted by Brown researchers.

IRB Responsibilities

Before human subjects research begins, and through periodic reviews while it is ongoing, the IRB oversees research at Brown that involves human participants.

Contact the IRB

Brown investigators can contact the IRB at 401-863-3050 or irb@brown.edu.

IRB Meeting Schedule

The meeting dates and deadlines below apply only to research that may be greater than minimal risk and requires review by the full, convened IRB, or other situations as guided by HRPP staff (for example, policy exception requests). Unless otherwise instructed by the HRPP team, these dates and deadlines do not apply to minimal risk research, which is reviewed by HRPP staff and the IRB on a rolling basis and does not have submission deadlines.

Meeting Dates and Deadlines (2024)

Submission Pre-Review Response Full IRB Meeting
December 31, 2023 January 10, 2024 January 18, 2024
January 31, 2024 February 7, 2024 February 15, 2024
February 29, 2024 March 14, 2024 March 21, 2024
March 31, 2024 April 10, 2024 April 18, 2024
April 30, 2024 May 8, 2024 May 16, 2024
May 31, 2024 June 12, 2024 June 20, 2024
June 30, 2024 July 11, 2024 July 18, 2024
July 31, 2024 August 7, 2024 August 15 2024
August 31, 2024 September 11, 2024 September 19, 2024
September 30, 2024 October 9, 2024 October 17, 2024
October 31, 2024 November 13, 2024 November 21, 2024
November 30, 2024 December 6, 2024 December 12, 2024*

*Note change in December schedule to accommodate Winter Break

About IRB Deadlines

The submission deadline is the date by which research materials must be submitted (by 5 p.m.) in the Huron electronic platform to be considered for review during the corresponding IRB meeting date. There is no guarantee that a submission will be reviewed at an assigned meeting.

If the HRPP staff communicates with you regarding your submission, a complete response must be received by 5 p.m. on the pre-review response deadline for the submission to be considered for the next full board meeting.

The full IRB committee meeting date is the date the IRB meets to review submissions.

Why a Submission May Not Be Assigned for Review

There are several reasons a submission may not be assigned to the next full board meeting for IRB review, including the following:

  • The submission was received after the submission deadline.
  • The submission did not include a review by a special area expert (e.g., cultural consultant), so that the IRB would be unable to determine if risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits.
  • The submission was of poor quality and/or incomplete, so that it provided insufficient information for the IRB to meet its regulatory obligations.
  • The HRPP team had a high number of requests and/or questions for the principal investigator (PI) and the PI did not respond by the pre-review response deadline.

IRB Administrative Support Team

Related Pages

The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is a team of staff responsible for reviewing all research involving human subjects conducted at Brown University and helping to ensure researchers understand and comply with federal and state laws, and Brown policies.
Brown University has assured federal regulatory agencies that the institution will review and approve all human subject research as defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Determining whether or not a project meets that definition is a two-step process.
Research Integrity is a group of teams — including Animal Research Compliance, Export Controls, the Human Research Protection Program, Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement, Conflict of Interest and Regulatory Compliance — that partner with the research community to facilitate ethical research guided by governing policies and regulations.