Division of Research
Conflict of Interest Review Board (COIRB)
COIRB Responsibilities
In partnership with Research Integrity, the Conflict of Interest Review Board has the following responsibilities:
- Reviews all conflict of interest reporting forms that are submitted through the University's electronic disclosure system
- Conducts a conflict of interest review for any investigator on a research project that is administered through Brown
- Conducts a conflict of interest review of related financial interests identified via a protocol submission to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and provides a recommendation to the IRB regarding disclosures to human research participants
- Refers conflicts of interest that are unrelated to research and conflicts of commitment to the appropriate dean's office
The Conflict of Interest Review Board meets monthly during the academic year.
Contact the COIRB
To learn about joining the Conflict of Interest Review Board, or to reach out to the board for another reason, contact coi@brown.edu.
COIRB Members
COIRB Administrative Support Team
Juliane Blyth
Torrey Truszkowski
Anees Fatima
Assistant Director, Conflict of Interest and Research Integrity
Related Pages
Brown is committed to the highest levels of integrity and expects researchers to conduct research relationships with honesty, transparency and in a manner that supports the University’s mission.
Research Integrity is a group of teams — including Animal Research Compliance, Export Controls, the Human Research Protection Program, Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement, Conflict of Interest and Regulatory Compliance — that partner with the research community to facilitate ethical research guided by governing policies and regulations.
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Brown is an independent committee of scientists, nonscientists and members unaffiliated with Brown and appointed by the Vice President for Research. The IRB was established to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects recruited to participate in biomedical or social/behavioral research conducted by Brown researchers.