Define Your Project
Strategy and Timeline
Whether you're conducting basic or applied research or seeking specific types of grants, your strategy and proposal timeline must serve your research goals and meet key funding criteria. Brown Research Strategy and Development (RSD) can enhance the competitiveness of your research proposal by optimizing resources, proactively identifying and mitigating risks to success and ensuring your proposal is submitted on time after thoughtful planning, review and revisions.
Engage Early
The more time there is to prepare before proposal submission deadlines, the better RSD can optimize your grant-seeking process. Team members are available to assist at any stage of proposal development, but it is strongly recommended that you engage them as soon as you identify a new research funding need or opportunity. Especially for cross-disciplinary or multi-institutional research collaborations and major proposals, strategic planning from the outset can greatly influence funding outcomes.
Timing Guidelines
For single principal investigators (PIs), three months may be enough time to plan, write, revise and submit a new proposal. But for research centers seeking new support or major proposals involving multiple PIs, cross-disciplinary collaborations or multi-institutional partnerships, RSD strongly recommends 12 to 36 months of lead time to ensure thorough preparation and coordination.
Research Strategy and Development
The Research Strategy and Development (RSD) team collaborates with the research enterprise and Brown faculty to identify research funding opportunities, perform strategic planning, develop research proposals and provide research leadership.