Division of Research

Now open: 2025 Research Seed Awards

The Research Seed Awards are now open. Submit your full proposal by Monday, October 28, 2024, 12 p.m. (noon) via UFunds. Seed Awards help faculty more successfully advance competitive research proposals by supporting the generation of preliminary data, pursuing new directions or collaborations in research, and other endeavors.

Additional information regarding this year's Seed Awards can be found on Research Seed Awards.

  • Investigators may propose projects in one of two categories:
    • Category 1:  Awards up to $50,000 (typically single PI).
    • Category 2: Awards up to $100,000 for a group of two or more PIs from distinctly different disciplines who are initiating a collaboration with the goal to establish an ongoing, long-term connection across disciplines that is expected to lead to substantial external research funding through multi-investigator or center types of grants.
  • Any Brown faculty member employed by Brown and whose research is administered through Brown is eligible. See 2025 Seed Award guidelines for complete eligibility. 
  • Proposal: 250-word abstract, 5-page project description, biosketch, budget, chair's endorsement (letter not required). 
  • This year, thanks to the generous gift from a donor, an additional $50,000 will be added to the overall budget. This funding will be allocated to a research proposal on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Full proposal due Monday, October 28, 2024, 12 p.m. (noon) via UFunds 

Explore projects that have received funding from a Brown University Research Award by reviewing past Seed Award Recipients.