The Human Subjects Research Program (HRPP) provides guidance, including documentation and videos, to support the Brown research community in navigating and managing studies for HRPP and Institutional Review Board (IRB) review in the Huron electronic submission platform.
Division of Research
Huron IRB Resources
Navigating Huron
PI Guidance
- Assigning a PI Proxy [PDF]
- Creating and Submitting a Human Subjects Research Study [VIDEO]
- Creating and Submitting a Study [PDF]
- Creating and Submitting a Continuing Review [PDF]
- Creating and Submitting a Continuing Review [VIDEO]
- Creating and Submitting a Modification [PDF]
- Creating and Submitting a Modification [VIDEO]
- Creating and Submitting Reportable New Information [PDF]
- IRB Clarifications: Request, Response and Review [PDF]
- Updating IRB Study Details [PDF]