Division of Research

NASA Pre-award and Post-award Disclosure Requirements

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) requires that all proposal submissions include a full disclosure of current and pending support from any source. Researchers must identify all sources of support, ensuring that complete and accurate information is provided.

LAST UPDATED January 2025

New disclosures are required by submitting an updated form as part of the annual performance report, and the performance report itself shall indicate that updated disclosures are being provided. Post-award Information - if it is determined that a senior/key person failed to disclose the information at the time of proposal submission or in a performance report, these disclosures shall be provided via email to the award recipient’s cognizant NASA Grant Officer and Technical Officer within 30 calendar days per NASA’s terms and conditions.

NASA Pre-award and Post-award Disclosure Requirements

Each senior/key person is responsible preparing, signing, and submitting a current and pending (other) support form as part of their proposal. The form is available on the NASA PGPD/GPC website. There is no page limit to the current and pending support form, and all data elements marked as required shall be submitted to NASA using the form. Senior/key personnel have the option to provide their Persistent Identifier in the “Persistent Identifier (PID) of the Senior/Key Person” section of the form.
A table entitled NASA Pre-award and Post-award Disclosure Requirements provides helpful reference information regarding pre-award and post-award disclosures. The table includes the types of activities to be reported, where such activities must be reported in the application, as well as when updates are required in the application and award life cycle. A final column identifies activities that are not required to be reported. 
If an entity discovers that a senior/key person has failed to disclose reportable information in accordance with this section, then the entity shall notify NASA within 30 calendar days per their award’s terms and conditions. Upon receipt of the information, NASA will consult with the entity as necessary and take appropriate action. 


Special Restrictions for NASA Proposals

NASA has had a longstanding prohibition in its agency appropriation language with respect to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Chinese-owned companies. Since 2011, NASA is restricted from using funds to enter into or fund any grant, cooperative agreement or contract to participate, collaborate or coordinate bilaterally in any way with PRC or any Chinese-owned company.

“China or Chinese-owned company” means the PRC, any company owned by the PRC or any company incorporated under the laws of the PRC. Chinese universities and other similar institutions are considered to be incorporated under the laws of the PRC and, therefore, the funding restrictions apply to grants and cooperative agreements that include bilateral participation, collaboration or coordination with Chinese universities.

PIs and Co-PIs must list any current and pending support with China, including Chinese universities and other similar institutions or a Chinese-owned company at the prime recipient level and at all subrecipient levels, whether the bilateral involvement is funded or performed under a no-exchange of funds arrangement.