Division of Research

Creating additional project budgets in Huron

Additional (Project) budgets may need to be created, in Huron, for a proposal submission when there are multiple departments or multiple Principal Investigators (PIs) associated with the proposal.

These individual project budgets can then be consolidated into the submitted budget, if desired. The steps for creating an additional budget are outlined below.

  1. Navigate to the Proposal Workspace and Create Additional Budget 
Navigate to the Proposal Workspace and Create Additional Budget
  1.  In the Create Additional Budget window, enter the Budget title and select the PI for this budget from the drop-down menu
  2. Click OK
Click OK.
  1. Complete the pages of the newly created budget. To consolidate the additional project budget into the submitted budget (main budget): Select β€˜Yes’ to Q4. Include in consolidated budgets? on the General Budget Information page of the newly created budget
Select β€˜Yes’ to Q4. Include in consolidated budgets? on the General Budget Information page of the newly created budget.
  1. The Project budgets will appear on the Proposal Workspace in the Budget tab
The Project budgets will appear on the Proposal Workspace in the Budget tab


Further job aids and Huron resources are available to the research community on the Huron training page of the Division of Research website.