2024 Celebration of Research
2024 Celebration of Research
A recap of the highlights from the 2024 Celebration of Research.
Honoring Brown’s Research Community
Brown University's researchers make a significant impact in the world by advancing knowledge through their achievements, discoveries and contributions. Brown honored 48 of these researchers at the eighth annual Celebration of Research on May 2, 2024, hosted by Provost Francis J. Doyle III and Vice President for Research Jill Pipher.
Provost Francis J. Doyle III
“We are in a time of unique challenges — and unique opportunities for those of us at colleges and universities,” said Doyle, addressing the researchers gathered at Sayles Hall for the event. “The work you all are doing matters. Research matters. Scholarship matters. Inventions matter. Startups matter.”
“Tonight, we honor stellar faculty members who, through their research, have generated scientific breakthroughs, shed light on social and cultural phenomena and helped set the stage for future discovery,” Doyle said. “Each day, the faculty members being recognized tonight help translate their inspiration sparked here at Brown into real world results and achievement.”
“Each of you has contributed, in different and diverse ways, to unlocking secrets that strengthen our understanding of ourselves and the world in which we live. As one of the world’s leading research institutions, Brown University has a history of being not only an incubator of ideas and discovery, but a motivator of action and transformative solutions to the challenges of the day,” Doyle said. “I want to congratulate the individuals being recognized tonight, and those like them on this campus, who serve as exemplars of what we all can and must aspire to achieve.”
Vice President for Research Jill Pipher
Pipher, vice president for research, led the presentation of awards.
“I have presided over this event for seven years now,” she said, “proud to be able to recognize the incredible achievements of hundreds of Brown researchers during that time, and also privileged to have had this up close view of the breadth and impact of Brown’s creative work, scholarship and research.”
She honored the Research Seed Fund awardees and Richard B. Salomon awardees, and presented awards to the Research Achievement awardees.
“I join all of you in recognizing some of our leading Brown researchers in these highly competitive and prestigious research award categories,” she said.

The Research Achievement Award winners pose with Provost Doyle and Jill Pipher.

Research Achievement Awards displayed on stage prior to the ceremony.

Vice President for Research Jill Pipher on stage during the Celebration of Research.

The crowd watches the presenters on stage.
Research Seed Awards
The Research Seed Awards program, now in its third decade, helps faculty initiate collaborations for new lines of research and increase their competitiveness for external funding. Since its inception, the program has awarded 241 Research Seed Awards totaling more than $14.6 million. The awards provide grants ranging from $50,000 for single principal investigator projects to $100,000 for multiple principal investigator projects.
This year, the Division of Research received 55 applications in the categories of social sciences; physical sciences; life sciences and physical sciences; life and medical sciences; public health; and life sciences and public health, and 22 were awarded, totaling $1,182,272.
Salomon Research Awards
The Richard B. Salomon Faculty Research Awards offer up to $15,000 to support exceptional faculty research and scholarship projects, with preference given to junior faculty who are building their research portfolios. From 1995 to 1999, the program was funded by the bequest of the late Richard B. Salomon, chancellor of Brown University, and the University has continued to fund the program. Since the program’s inception, the Division of Research has awarded 311 Salomon Awards totaling $4.4 million.
This year, the Division received 24 applications in the categories of arts, humanities, and social sciences; biological and life sciences; physical sciences; and public health, and 18 were awarded, totaling $262,168.
Research Achievement Awards
The annual Research Achievement Awards program, introduced in 2018, recognizes extraordinary research contributions by Brown faculty. Each candidate is nominated by their colleagues for demonstrating exceptional scholarship and advancing knowledge in their field in important and innovative ways. Early Career Research Achievement Awards are presented yearly, and Mid-Career Research Achievement Awards and Distinguished Research Achievement Awards are presented in alternating years. The awards are selected in four categories: humanities and social sciences; life sciences and public health; physical sciences; and hospital-based research faculty.
The 2024 winners were presented with Early Career Research Achievement Awards, Mid-Career Research Achievement Awards, and a $5,000 research stipend in recognition of their accomplishments.
Research Achievement Award Recipients
What the Awardees Had to Say
There are all of these lofty philosophical ideas around words like 'intelligence,' 'thinking,' 'believing,' 'knowing.' I want to understand these things precisely enough that we can build machines that genuinely embody them, the way humans do.
A few of my projects aim at studying the impact of climate change and natural disasters such as Hurricane Maria on outmigration and healthcare utilization among people with complex chronic conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias, and among those with kidney failure from Puerto Rico. These events have the risk of exacerbating health inequities.
Our research tends to be a lonely endeavor—even though it does not have to be that way. This recognition re-energizes me to keep on visiting the archive, walk the natural landscapes and places of my research, talk with people related to it and keep on nurturing the dialogue with colleagues.
Special Recognition of Vice President for Research Jill Pipher
After the research awards were honored, Doyle had a surprise award to present: a Recognition of Service Award for Jill Pipher.
Pipher is ending her term as vice president for research in June 2024 and shifting her focus to the continued pursuit of new knowledge and mentoring in the field of mathematics as the Elisha Benjamin Andrews Professor of Mathematics at Brown University.
“Jill Pipher is a remarkable, hard-working administrator who has taken research to new heights at Brown since being named vice president in 2017,” Doyle said. “In my short time as provost, I have been honored to work closely with Jill and have been impressed by her collaborative vision and commitment to excellence. She has positioned the Office of the Vice President for Research well as we continue to make progress on the Operational Plan for Investing in Research, Integrated Life Sciences at Brown and coordinated work in generative artificial intelligence (AI).”
“Under Jill’s leadership as VPR, the research trajectory at Brown has soared: between 2017 and 2023, research awards and expenditures increased nearly twofold to $282 million. The signature programs we celebrate today — Seeds, Salomons and Research Achievement Awards — highlight Brown’s research ambitions and accomplishments.”
Doyle handed Pipher a hand-crafted award of blue glass.
“Jill, today we are also pleased to celebrate your research impact. You lead by example and have raised the bar on what it means to be a Brown researcher. In recognition of your outstanding contributions to the advancement of research at Brown during your tenure, I present you with this Recognition of Service Award on behalf of OVPR and Brown University,” Doyle said.
The eighth annual Celebration of Research concluded with a standing ovation and a video tribute to Jill Pipher in recognition of her research leadership, impact and legacy as Brown’s vice president for research since 2017.
A Video Tribute to Jill Pipher
Members of the Brown community pay tribute to Vice President for Research Jill Pipher as her seven-year term comes to a close in June 2024.