Division of Research

Huron: Selecting correct sponsor

The Select Organization slide-in window will appear throughout the submission record for varying fields, and it will display different types of IDs and Organizations available for selection.

When selecting sponsors, it is important that end users select the correct sponsor organization.

To select a sponsor:

  1. From the Select Organization slide-in window, choose an organization that has an ID consisting of six numerical digits (e.g., 002980); or
  2. You can use the Filter By option to directly search for the desired sponsor if you have the ID or name of the organization
From the Select Organization slide-in window, choose an organization that has an ID consisting of six numerical digits (e.g., 002980)You can use the Filter By option to directly search for the desired sponsor if you have the ID or name of the organization

Helpful hints when selecting sponsors:

For newly created sponsors, sponsors will be numbered as follows: SPON-XXXXX in both the ID and Organization (name).

The Org. Parent column should read as one of the following: Foundations, Not for Profit, Corporate and Industry Domestic, Corporate and Industry Foreign, Other Federal, National Science Foundation, etc. and NOT Brown University Sponsor. 


The Org. Parent column should read as one of the following: Foundations, Not for Profit, Corporate and Industry Domestic, Corporate and Industry Foreign, Other Federal, National Science Foundation, etc. and NOT Brown University Sponsor.

For older sponsors, such as the National Science Foundation, the sponsor has the sponsor number (XXXXXX) only in the ID and sponsor number (XXXXXX) after the Organization name.


For older sponsors, such as the National Science Foundation, the sponsor has the sponsor number (XXXXXX) only in the ID and sponsor number (XXXXXX) after the Organization name.

Further job aids and Huron resources are available to the research community on the Huron training page of the Division of Research website.